Join our team of dedicated volunteers and contribute your time and skills to support our programs and services.


Partner with us to develop and implement programs and initiatives that address the needs of the community.


We provide workshops regarding Islamic Home Financing.


We provide general information on what you to know about Islamic home financing.


We can you assist in answering detailed questions regarding Islamic home financing.

Murabaha - Cost Plus or installment sale

Murabaha – Cost Plus or installment sale Is a deferred payment Installment sale.

Your financial support enables Somali Bantu Center to continue providing vital services and resources to the community.

Our Mission

At the Somali Bantu Center, our mission is to foster the well-being, resilience, and cultural pride of the Somali Bantu and immigrant communities through holistic programming, advocacy, and community engagement.
We strive to create a welcoming and inclusive space where individuals of all backgrounds can access culturally sensitive services and resources to support their social, economic, and educational advancement.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a strong and thriving community where Somali Bantu and immigrant families feel valued, supported, and empowered to achieve their full potential.

We envision a community where cultural heritage is celebrated, diversity is embraced, and all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the fabric of society.

Our Services

The Somali Bantu Center offers a wide range of services and programs


Social Services

We provide assistance with navigating social services, accessing healthcare, housing, and other essential resources, and advocating for the rights and needs of community members.


Cultural Preservation

We offer cultural preservation programs and events to celebrate Somali Bantu heritage, traditions, and language, fostering a sense of pride and belonging among community members.


Education and Literacy

We offer educational support services, including tutoring, English language classes, and homework assistance, to help children and adults achieve academic success and build essential skills for the future.


Economic Empowerment

We provide job readiness training, resume building, job placement assistance, and entrepreneurship support to help individuals secure employment and achieve financial independence.